Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Never in a Million Years.........

Well, maybe not a million years, try thirty! Thirty years, give or take I have been a practicing solitary witch. I did step away briefly back in 2013, this step resulted in me learning how to meditate thanks to Tibetan Buddhism! Now, I am back, and there is a lot that has changed. New authors to discover, new things to try, tons of cool stuff on youtube! When I originally started out on this path in the early 90's, there was no amazon, no youtube, you still had snail mail and very few books on witchcraft. Covens weren't out in the open, you really had to know someone in order to get into a group. Resources where very limited; if you were lucky you may have had a few friends to practice with.  I had two; today I am on my own, (with the exception of my two daughters) which is okay with me! I tried group work and it didn't work; I am at a point where I am okay with being solitary. Maybe it's because I know how my energy works with others; maybe it's because I am past the age where I could tolerate a lot of bull shit; whatever it is, I am just happy that I came out on the other side!

                                                                                     Until next time,
